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Sphere on Spiral Stairs

As stipulated in the South African Schools Act of 1996, all children between the ages of 7 and 15 are compelled to attend school.  Parents and guardians should ensure that all learners of this age are registered to go to school and that their children attend school regularly. 
It is the responsibility of every parent and guardian to ensure that their children are registered for the following year, well before the end of the current school year.  Parents may register children who are supposed to start school next year, near their home or workplace between April and October of each year. It is however important to check the registration deadlines of individual provinces.

Registration: Text
Sphere on Spiral Stairs

As per GDE Guidelines


Please make use of the Gauteng Department of Education website, linked below, to register your grade 8 child at our school. 

We cannot accept direct registrations as per government guidelines. 

Please note that the department registration does NOT work on a first come first placed basis. 

Registration: Text
Sphere on Spiral Stairs

GRADE 9 - 12

Applying for admission unfortunately does not guarantee space in our school

No registration will be done without CERTIFIED COPIES OF all the required documentation:

1.      The learner’s birth certificate (CERTIFIED COPY)

2.      Immunization certificate / card

3.      Transfer card (Learners Grade 8 – Grade 12)

4.      Progress Report (Learners Grade 8 – Grade 12)

5.      Proof of residence (most recent electricity bill / Affidavit confirming address)

6.      Proof of employment both  parents/guardians

7.      ID-documents of both parents/guardian (CERTIFIED COPIES)

8.      Proof of guardianship if not birth parents

Non- South African Citizens must submit the following additional documents:

1.      Parent/Legal guardian Passport / Refugee Permit

2.      Learner’s Asylum Seeker Permit

3.      Learner’s Refugee Permit

4.      Learner’s Study Permit

5.      Temporary visa or permanent residency permit from the Department of Home Affairs

6.      Evidence that you have applied for permission to stay/study in South Africa

Click on the link below to download the registration form. This form has to be handed in personally at reception during school hours. 

Registration: Text

©2025 Hillview High School

Managed by Zama Ngubeni

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